
Seventh Son
Jazz Fan
After You’ve Gone
Bird on the Sahara
Bird in Paradise
Be Cool Budo
Congo Square
Lady Day #1
Autumn Leaves
Lady Sings the Blues #2
Strange Fruit
Miles Smiles
Monk’s Dream
Mood Indigo
Jungle Music
Bemsha Swing
‘Round Midnight #2
Impressions #4
South Street Exit
West End Blues #4
West End Blues #1
Ysabel’s Table Dance
Dizzy Atmosphere
Si Soi en Tunis
Dizzy Atmosphere
Body & Soul #1
Feathers #2
Zutty Singleton #2
Roy Haynes #4
Lucille #1
Lucille #2
Lucille #3
I’ve Got a Secret
Hellhound on My Trail #1

Hellhound on My Trail #2
Dharma Bum
Ti Jean
This Machine Kills Fascists #1
Clearwater #2
Absolutely Sweet Marie #1
Country Pie #1
Country Pie #8
Dylan Dada
Little Boy Lost
Temporary Like Achilles
Diamonds from the Deepest Ocean #6
Horses #1
Dire Wolf
Elvis in the Reeds
Kiss the Sky
Bruce Juice
Bambino #1
Jackie Robinson Steals Home
Juan Marichal
Don’t Look Back
Tone Parallel to Harlem
Sphere Gasser