Lord Buckley Video

Lord Buckley Performances

Clip from “Chicago: First Impressions of a Great American City” directed by Denis Mitchell. Gate of Horn, Chicago, Ill. Summer 1960
Lord Buckley’s appearance on “You Bet Your Life” hosted by Groucho Marx 1956
“Club 7” circa 1949
“Beany & Cecil” 1960

Lord Buckley Monologues

“The Nazz” 1950
“The Nazz” Ivar Theatre in Hollywood, California 1959
“Gettysburg Address” 1950
“God’s Own Drunk” Ivar Theatre in Hollywood, California 1959
“H-Bomb” Gold Nugget, Oakland, Ca. 1960
Photo © Ray Avery/CTS Images
“Hipsters, Flipsters & Finger-Poppin’ Daddies” 1955
“Governor Slugwell” 1954
“The Gasser” Ivar Theatre in Hollywood, California 1959
“Bad Rapping of the Marquis de Sade” Gold Nugget, Oakland, Ca. 1960
“The Hip Gahn” 1950
“The Train” 1954
Photo © Ray Avery/CTS Images
“Subconscious Mind” Ivar Theatre in Hollywood, California 1959
“The Raven” 1954
“Nero” 1950
Photo © Ray Avery/CTS Images
“Jonah & The Whale” 1950
“Scrooge” 1960
Photo © Ray Avery/CTS Images
“Black Cross” 1960

Lord Buckley Disciples

Bob Dylan: “Black Cross”
Tom Calagna: “Jonah & The Whale”
Tom Calagna: “The Nazz”
Jake Broder: “To Swing or Not to Swing”
Jake Broder: “The Nazz”
Rod Harrison: “The Nazz”
Rod Harrison: “Gettysburg Address”
Jason Eisenberg: “The Hip Gahn”
C.P. Lee: “God’s Own Drunk”
Richard Henzel: “The Nazz”
Dr. Sinuk: “The Nazz”
David Amram: “Ode to Lord Buckley”
Greg Travis: “The Nazz”
Mark Murphy: “Hipsters, Flipsters & Finger-Poppin’ Daddies’
Robin Williams: “Grandpa Funk”